Partial Hospitalization Program
Our mission is to provide high quality mental health services to children and adolescents struggling to maintain stability in their community. We strive to provide this population with the necessary skills and be reintegrated back into mainstream society and schooling and maintain their stability in their environment.
About these Services
These services are intended to help avoid hospitalization or extended inpatient stay for 10 to 18 year olds. This population of children and adolescents require intensive care to remain active in their communities and do not require 24-hour supervision. Typically, these children have had histories of psychiatric hospitalization, residential treatment, or are at risk for such treatment. The program is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM- 4:00 PM, and offers psychiatric and therapeutic services as well as a 2 hour educational component. We have a 4 month minimum length of stay.
Partial Care Day Program
This is a specialized, day time partial care treatment program for children and adolescents seeking a higher quality of life. It provides a day time environment intended to minimize the need for hospitalization. Services include psychiatric assessment, medication management, group therapy, individual therapy, psychoeducation, and academic education. This is a nurturing, structured, therapeutic environment during school hours in which children can interact with peers and adults, learning positive, developmentally appropriate socialization.
Our academic school year hours are 8:30AM-4PM and our summer hours are 8:30AM-2:30PM. During summer hours, there is no educational component. Summer school is provided as needed by the Director of Education.